Our Vision

We envision A world where mental well-being is valued and nurtured.

A picture of the 2021 LPSF Scholarship Recipients

Our Cause

Bringing Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing within reach.

The shortage of mental health providers in our state is a significant problem. Community health, rural counties, and underserved communities struggle to find qualified mental health providers.

Psychiatric nursing is widely recognized as an effective mental health treatment. We are committed to expanding the reach of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing within our communities.

We achieve this by:

Nurturing future leaders through scholarships, mentoring opportunities, increasing awareness of the work of psychiatric nurses, and building community through partnerships.

By identifying, encouraging, and cultivating excellence in Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, we ensure that the nursing model of integrated and holistic care continues to play an essential role in meeting our community's mental health treatment needs.

Community of Caring
We recognize and support initiatives in communities that aim to improve the health and well-being of its citizens, including children and youth, by addressing homelessness, access to treatment, and delivery of mental health care to the poor, disadvantaged, and those who are incarcerated or disabled by addictions.

Healthy Individuals and Families
We support research that expands our understanding of the impact of mental illness on individuals and families, explores how to promote mental health, and works to prevent suicide and random acts of violence.

Strong Leadership and Education
We recognize the need for wise, resilient leaders who have the desire to make the world a better place through collaboration, communication, and a genuine respect for the complexity of society.



Our Values

Our values are in the heart of every scholarship award. Our scholars not only excel in academics, they contribute to their schools and their communities.

  • Leadership

  • Community

  • Diversity

  • Accessibility

  • Nurturing

  • Partnership

Lois Price Spratlen Foundation scholars are the future leaders in our community.

2019 LPSF Recipients.png

Recent scholarship recipients have:

Worked on a project to integrate psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners into a community health center to help normalize and destigmatize patients facing mental health issues.

Designed a program providing culturally-relevant mental health services for immigrant populations.

Served as a speaker at the United Nations Anti-Human Trafficking Conference, and as a consultant for child soldier-related issues for an international committee.

Worked with a safe house for runaway youths.

Educated school nurses on the effects of adverse childhood experiences on school performance and health.